Thursday, 17 February 2011

Vertical and Horizontal Frames (2)

This is the second page of the Portrait/Landscape comparissons.

The landscape photo shows the church/lighthouse on the top of the hill. The portrait one gives more depth to the shot as it includes the quayside. It does, however, loose the flagpole and flag, which does add to the landscape picture.

This is a closer view of the church/lighthouse in the photos above. There is not a lot of difference between these pictures. I feel that the portrait shot makes the building look as if it is on top of a hill, because of the added sky. It feels like you are really looking up a hill.

Both pictures have their positives. The portrait one give emphasis to the vertical lines, where as the landscape picture gives more to the zig-zag lines made from the layered slate.

I prefer the portrait shot as it really leads you into the frame from the bottom. Drawing you to the change in colour/type of rope, before it swirls round on itself. Because the grey rope touches both sides of the frame it doesn't appear take you eye out of the picture. The landscape picture does draw you into the frame, but as you follow the rope your eye disappears out of the frame at the top left.

This seagull just wanted to have it's picture taken. Both appear to work ok. I prefer the landscape shot and would probably crop the shot, taking out the white bulb (to the right). Cropping the top of the portrait picture as well, will preserve the shape of the frame.

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