Thursday, 17 February 2011

Vertical and Horizontal Frames (1)

These photo's show the same image in landscape and portrait.

Both of these images work well. In landscape it gives a vastness to the beach and rocks, while in portrait gives depth to the beach and allows the eye to be drawn into the photo from the bottom up.

These images are very similar. In landscape you get the cliff edge and it feels that the building is on the top of a high point, and vulnerable. In portrait you loose the cliff edge and so it could be just one of several buildings (the others of which are out of site).

Both these pictures work. The portrait picture picks out the centre building of the landscape one. Cropping the portrait shot to just show the brick building would make the focus on it stronger.

Both of these pictures work. I prefer the landscape shot as you get more of the iron railings, and can also see more of the horizontal lines in the wall.

Because of the perspective in this shot I feel that the landscape gives a great deal of depth that is lost on the portrait one. The portrait shot give height to the building. In both shots the horizontal and vertical lines do a good job of creating interest to the subject matter.

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